Thursday, March 1, 2012

Plushie Progress, but I digress...

Hello Dears,

I have a plushie (stuffed animal or doll) update! I'm currently working on a The Mare in the Moon: Night Mare Moon commission that's due before next weekend and I have pictures!

I'm very pleased to say that unlike my Princess Luna that you also see in the pictures, this Nightmare Moon can stand on her own! The next step is to finish her helm and start on her boots. I also need to start on her eyes which shouldn't take too long, I hope.

That handsome Big Mac Plushie (the chill-looking red pony with the apple on his butt) was one I had commissioned before I started making plushies. If you like his style, you can take a gander at the artist's Deviant Art page: Cloudkicker's Plushies.

I'm planning on making her a permanent link as Cloudkicker currently has plushies for sale and I'm currently only taking commissions. I believe she has a Derpy hooves and Pinkie Pie for sale at the moment.

Once Nightmare Moon is done I plan on building up the blog a bit more and create a sort of "Artist Ally" below the Whitedeer Portal, since I know several, ultra-talented people who make unique crafts. If it wasn't for Zach Creations, I wouldn't have gotten this commission.

I also need to finish my white deer forest bag before the Renaissance Fair season starts. Makes me wish I had more hands, or at least more fingers.

Also, I think it goes without saying, but I LOVE comments and such. So please, talk to me...I'm lonley *sniffle* :(

- Ori


  1. Is this working? I tried to comment on your first post and broke something.

    1. It works! Feel free to pick my brain whenever you like!
