Monday, May 21, 2012

Checking in after a long, thoughtful pause

Good morning dears, I'm posting this from my iPhone so please excuse more typos than usual. I just wanted to check in and say that I'm still alive and I've been keeping pleanty busy. I'm working great deal slower on the plushie making due to the fact that my fingers are still chewed up from the needlework and can't heal properly if I'm constantly using them. Still, Im hoping Zecora will be finished by Bronycon which I plan on attending. So in the meantime I've been working on the latest chapter of my World if Warcraft fanfic "Straydog Saga". Yes after 4 months of nothing Shandori and company are back! I'll give a full explanation of WHY this happened in another post. That's all for now dears, -Ori

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