Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Starlight Twinkle March Art Update!

Hello Dears,

I'm taking a break from near nightly art sessions to catch up on some other work including this here art blog...I suppose I can't escape art even when I take a break from it!

So on this eve of Winter Wrapup, the post Cloudsdale Congress buzz is still flowing through my fingers. With a bit of help from my B.B.BF. F. (best brony boyfriend forever) I've finally got some rather nice scans of work that got a lot of attention at Cloudcon. If I'm able to get a table at Bronycon this year, here are some originals and prints that will be available:

Ori's March 2013 Originals

Below are some originals I will have for sale, as of this month along with their entries on my Deviantart page (which I should honestly upgrade. I've had the name "Matsuban" on there, which kinda translates to best pine tree, since creating the account back in 2005...)

 Princess Luna Shines

Black Swan Rarity

Geisha Rarity 

Blueberry Derpy 

Ori's Picture-Perfect Prints

Here are the cream of the crop so far -- the art that got the most attention at Cloudcon as well as on Deviant art so far. I have scanned these in to date and will have prints available at Bronycon if I get a table.

Queen Chrysalis Nouveau

My Little Mortal Kombat Avenger Ponies

Princess Big Mac

Blackhole Sun 

I'll be making these art update posts periodically as I create new art. I've also added my general art commission rates to the left side bar as well as in the deviant art entries in case anyone is interested. 

That's all for now dears -- back to the coloring board!

- Ori

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